Cadacross Songs collection
Collections of your favorite song lyrics 60,000 +.
Don't you want to see how it ends?
Gaze the comets that scrape the sky
Close eyes and ma[View it]
# Bring Out Your Dead
The end is near, but have no fear
Take a vacation to pits of Hell
First-class flight awa[View it]
# Flaming Ember
Still I yearn to see chaos and calm in harmony
Arcana that lies beyond the dreams of everblazi[View it]
# Kings Of Grim
Darkness has for so many years
dwelleth still upon the earth
And by every cycle of moon [View it]
# Learn The Dark
Tell me whence will I find the passion once lost?
May it rise with strength to burn
away[View it]
# Morningstar
Ages ago in a region far North
there godly breath roared throughout the earth
Shaped the[View it]
# Turmion Taival
M veriset kentt aamunkoissa saavutin
rikin katku peitti lyhkn ruumiin mdnneen
Nin mieste[View it]
# Wreath Of Seven Stars
From where the eye can see beyond miles
From the top of mountain high
I found it shining[View it]
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