Arkangel Songs collection
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I am not tempted by your paradise of lies.
Never will I fester in the bowels of
decad[View it]
# Prayer Upon Deaf Ears - 01 - Within The Walls Of B
Immersed in a sea of pain,
chained to a lifetime agony.
Existence becomes a thron stuck[View it]
# Prayer Upon Deaf Ears - 02 - One Standard, One Eth
In the mist of inferno,
I seek Salvation,
Filth cannot taint my allegiance for my hear[View it]
# Prayer Upon Deaf Ears - 03 - Built Upon The Graves
Emissaries of demons
slit the defenseless in an act of barbarity.
Sharp knives
g[View it]
# Prayer Upon Deaf Ears - 04 - In The Embrace Of Tru
I am not tempted by your paradise of lies.
Never will I fester in the bowels of
decaden[View it]
# Prayer Upon Deaf Ears - 05 - Day Of Apocalypse
I hear the trumpets of the apocalypse
announcing the end of man,
so please end
t[View it]
# Prayer Upon Deaf Ears - 06 - Evilization
Legions of demons advance
in the shadow of mankind,
Infernal hordes of chaos
wage[View it]
# Within The Walls Of B
Immersed in a sea of pain,
chained to a lifetime agony.
Existence becomes a thron stuck[View it]
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