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Alchemist Songs collection

Collections of your favorite song lyrics 60,000 +.

# Abstraction
Help me!
I am watching atomic warfare from the safety of the moon
I am dancing sacrile[View it]

# Austral Spectrum
Iris reflects, your focus on beauty.
Instant burning of stratosphere and ground.
Vis[View it]

# Beyond Genesis
The past is open,
but the future still hides.
Natural selection,
the strongest [View it]

# Bio Approach
Molten rock lays dormant, around a tiny star,
As microscopic life forms, approaches from afa[View it]

# Brumal: A View From Pluto
Dwell on an eccentric orbit, plutonian hemisphere engaged
in a mutual - eclipse. The sun just[View it]

# Chinese Whispers
Speaking my mind
Single trail of thought
Difference in the way we perceive
Your[View it]

# Closed Chapter
Situated in the present alive in the
moment of now separated from
- [View it]

# Clot
Clot - by my own closed mind poisoned
images self imagination - sense of
reckoning hal[View it]

# Enhancing Enigma
A captive soul returns
Limited materialistic boundaries.
Repeating the progress of lea[View it]

# Escape From The Black Hole
Drawn towards, pull away.
Mass compressed, and escape.
Not knowing what the
t[View it]

# Garden of Eroticism
Through the abundant life your ability
release my infidelity swollen ovaries of
tempta[View it]

# Jar Of Kingdom
Unleash your swimming life
Allow it to be caught by science
Lifes boundaries are beein[View it]

# Lunation
The silent image of a poetic light the
crescent moon enhances the
blackened night my e[View it]

# My Animated Truth
I exist yet still exist intoxicated with the
senses of life an awareness, an example
i[View it]

# New Beginning
There's a new uprising coming for us.
A new beginning from the difficult past.
A sma[View it]

# Purple
Looking in the corner of magic round room trying to find
the bottom of the top from the inbet[View it]

# Rampant Micro Life
Slowly cells mutate, reform, degenerate.
Reposes our stolen fate.
Nuclei tears it's [View it]

# Road To Ubar
The commands of an ancient sultan
whispers through the sandstorm wind of time.
Calling[View it]

# Shell
The abundance of pores in this shell
manifest as I draw experience
Only time will tell[View it]

# Single Sicled
Forced to hear your words, though they might be true.
Say what you will,
others have di[View it]

# Single Sided
Forced to hear your words, though they might be true.
Say what you will,
others have [View it]

# Soul Return
We do not die - We only change
All must die before their rebirth as
fruit must rot to [View it]

# Spiritechnology
[intro with dude talking]

We offer you the key to your spirituality,
the answe[View it]

# Staying Consious
When the first single cells
Felt the first rays of light
Carbon beings in process. Lea[View it]

# Surreality
I can't believe existence, is confined to this life.
And I can't tell the difference, betwee[View it]

# Tide In, Mind Out
All that I see, enhanced chemically.
Watch the sea, and feel your thoughts,
They pass[View it]

# Unfocused
All my thoughts are unfocused.
help me focus the distorted - my
conscious span is spun[View it]

# Wandering And Wodering
I feel and I smell and I taste and I see
experiences they dub reality
I'm living life's [View it]

# Wandering And Wondering
I feel and I smell and I taste and I see
experiences they dub reality
I'm living life'[View it]

# Warring Tribes (Eventual Demise)
Human beings congregate.
Difference within this race.
Take control to rule the world[View it]

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