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Collections of your favorite song lyrics 60,000 +.

# All I wanna do
by Anne Haigis
Gently your fingers are gliding like sunshine
Across eternal ice [View it]

# Foolish games
by Anne Haigis
You took your coat off and stood in the rain
You're always c[View it]

# Green eyes
by Anne Haigis
Walked a hundred miles till I saw you
Drove thousend of roads but the[View it]

# If you were me
by Anne Haigis
How many roads must a girl walk on
And how many days must she spend [View it]

# Irgendwas bleibt
by Anne Haigis
Hier führen die Straßen nur gerade aus
Gradewegs aus dieser aus[View it]

# Living without you
by Anne Haigis
Broken heart unbroken spirit
In pain again
[View it]

# Memphis
by Anne Haigis
Way back Friday wasn't my day
I hung my boots on the factory do[View it]

# Nothing ever happens
by Anne Haigis
Post office clerks put up signs saying "position closed"
And secretari[View it]

# Only the river
by Anne Haigis
You've made me happy
You've made me blue
[View it]

# Sentimental again
by Anne Haigis
Saw a man on the moon
Yellow submarine cartoon
[View it]

# Spanish Cowgirl
by Anne Haigis
Sometimes it's hard to say
Sometimes it's really strange to make yo[View it]

# Wie Gut
by Anne Haigis
Wenn irgendwer dann du
Wenn du mich so anschaust weiß ich was ic[View it]

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