0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Lifelines album

Collections of your favorite song lyrics 60,000 +.

# A Little Bit
by A
And it will take a little bit of extra time
To make it shine, to make it shine
An[View it]

# A Little Bit
by A-Ha
And it will take a little bit of extra time
To make it shine, to make it shine
And it[View it]

# A Little Bit
by A-ha
And it will take a little bit of extra time
To make it shine, to make it shine
And it[View it]

# Afternoon High
by A
The sunlight hits the corner of your eye
As it bounces off the morning sky
The s[View it]

# Afternoon High
by A-Ha
The sunlight hits the corner of your eye
As it bounces off the morning sky
The summe[View it]

# Afternoon High
by A-ha
The sunlight hits the corner of your eye
As it bounces off the morning sky
The summe[View it]

# Cannot Hide
by A
Can you see me baby
Standing in the light
I feel your cat's eyes on me
[View it]

# Cannot Hide
by A-Ha
Can you see me baby
Standing in the light
I feel your cat's eyes on me
Faste[View it]

# Cannot Hide
by A-ha
Can you see me baby
Standing in the light
I feel your cat's eyes on me
Faste[View it]

# Did Anyone Approach You
by A-Ha
You never look up
You never look back
You never say anything based on fact
Yo[View it]

# Dragonfly
by A
I will never let you down
I will always be around

In the time we are her[View it]

# Dragonfly
by A-Ha
I will never let you down
I will always be around

In the time we are here
View it]

# Forever Not Yours
by A
Hold me tight
This is a lonely night
And I've hurt you baby
Because you[View it]

# Forever Not Yours
by A-Ha
Hold me tight
This is a lonely night
And I've hurt you baby
Because you are m[View it]

# Less Than Pure
by A
We're going to go downtown
I hear this great new place has opened up
And when we[View it]

# Less Than Pure
by A-Ha
We're going to go downtown
I hear this great new place has opened up
And when we get[View it]

# Less Than Pure
by A-ha
We're going to go downtown
I hear this great new place has opened up
And when we get[View it]

# Lifelines
by A
One time to know that it's real
One time to know how it feels
That's all
[View it]

# Lifelines
by A-Ha
One time to know that it's real
One time to know how it feels
That's all
One[View it]

# Oranges On Apple Trees
by A
Oranges on apple trees
Birds that mate with bumblebees
Oranges on apple trees View it]

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0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z