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Filosofem album

Collections of your favorite song lyrics 60,000 +.

# Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament
by Burzum
I wonder how winter will be
With a spring that I shall never see
I wonder how night wi[View it]

# Decrepitude
by Burzum
Tears from the eyes so cold, tears from the eyes, in the grass so green.
As I lie here, the b[View it]

# Dunkelheit
by Burzum
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
A chill risesView it]

# Jesu DøD
by Burzum
En skikkelse la¥ der pa¥ abkken
Sa¥ vond at de blomster rundt visnet
En dyster sjel[View it]

# RundtgåIng Av Den Transcendentale Egenhetens StøTte
by Burzum
"Urds bra¸nn er ikke lenger et dunkelt dyp vi stirrer ned
i, men en levende stra¸m som ga¥[View it]

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